A 22-year old man sprays substance on the eye a police woman

A 22 year-old Osman Amadu is in the grips of the Kaneshie Police for spraying a substance in the eyes of a police woman at Abossey Okai Zongo junction during enforcement of restriction duties. 

On 10/04/2020 9:00am, the police woman was on a Covid-19 duty at the Zongo junction ensuring compliance of directives. In the course of the duty, a taxi cab was stopped with the suspect on board. He was questioned about his movement but he became furious and without any provocation, sprayed a liquid substance which was in a small plastic bottle into the eyes of the policewoman. Complainant shouted for help and her colleagues together with other witnesses came to her aid. The suspect was immediately arrested and sent together with the liquid substance to the Kaneshie Police Station for investigation. 

He admitted the offence and said he did not know what came over him. He is being processed for court on the counts of assault on a public officer and violation of the Restriction of Imposition Act, as the substance is being forwarded to the forensic laboratory for examination. 
The policewoman has also attended hospital with a red swollen eyes but have been referred to an eye specialist for further treatment.
